Since our inception in 2010, we have rescued more than 5,500 of our service members' dogs and cats from over 50 countries worldwide, including Afghanistan, Turkey, Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany, Mexico, Romania, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Iraq, Kenya, Uganda, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait and so many more! In addition, we have rescues
"living the life a dog deserves" in every state in America.
Meet Kash~
"This is Kash he is 3 years old! He has been my Emotional Support Animal for the last 2 years and has gotten me through a lot of tough times. From losing buddies in the service, losing family members, and my divorce. He is amazing dog that helps me take care of my daughter, watches her like a hawk! I noticed he wasn’t quite himself one day he would eat grass and very small amounts of food. After taking him to the vet they didn’t seem to find any issues. I took him home and followed a chicken and rice diet recommended by the vet for a week. He would play and rough house but had no interest in eating. Which caused him to have eating, and bowel movement complications. Which caused him to lose 26 lbs. and losing the appetite to eat! Took him into the vet again and the conclusion was a blockage that they couldn’t see on X-rays. After much needed TLC and fluids he was able to pass what the vets believe to be a blockage. He then began to start eating and it was like he was a puppy again. I’m so grateful to Michelle and the Puppy Rescue Mission. I do believe that if it wasn’t for them my best friend wouldn’t be with us today! Thank you some much for everything you do and reuniting solder’s with their best friends! "
Meet Ayla of Turkey~
"In August of 2023, I arrived on site in Türkiye. The day after I got there, a litter was born. The mother dog belonged to the Turkish forces. Over time the battery decided to adopt her. Although she has been a morale booster these past 6 months. She will not have a guardian once the current party leaves. I want to make sure that she always has a home, and that means taking her back to the states with me. "
Meet Jasmine & Jameela of Iraq~
(Also know as Lizzy & Luna)
Back in November we received a plea from a soldier deployed to Iraq. His unit had been caring for two abandoned pups they named Luna and Lizzy for months. With so much uncertainty in the Middle East he was worried for their safety and was fearful he'd be faced with the difficult decision of having to leave them behind. They are safe now in Iraq and getting all their paperwork done to travel very soon.
Meet Bruce of Romania~
"I met Bruce and Oreo while working in Romania. They have lived on base and recently Oreo had a litter. We all love them. They are our buddies. They are great dogs so I would hate for them to not have a home."
Meet Oreo of Romania~
So many have been trying to rescue Oreo for almost 2 years now. Finally she is safe and soldiers & airmen have adopted now 2 of her litters. She is a beautiful dog with striking eyes.
All are being adopted by Airmen except Oso and Emoji who are available to adopt. Email
Oso, Bubba, Luna, Emoji, Moose, Maple, Saint and Smokey. They are beautiful pups and such a relief they are to safety. Travel will be in about 2 months. They are such happy and playful puppies.
Meet Dino of Lebanon~
"I noticed that one of the dogs (Mina) that I’ve been taking care of since being here had puppies. Seeing
the condition that the Mina was in when I first met her, I didn’t want the puppies to have to experience
the same thing. I wish to bring Dino home because I know that I can provide a better and happier life for
him then he would endure here. We have become very close in the past couple of weeks and I would love
to continue to grow with my new found friend."
Meet Nessi~
" Nessi followed another embassy family home one day... and they just couldn’t bear to leave her on the streets of Bishkek. They wanted so very much to keep her, but had less than a month left on station, and knew there was no way to get everything done in time to take her with them to their next post in China. They tried so hard to find a loving furever home for Nessi, but with it being transfer season, the timing was just not working. It was very hard for this family to leave Nessi behind - but I promised to do my best to find her a place to call home! Well, I fell in love!! I have a beautiful place in the country on 5 acres back home in NC, and just can’t imagine leaving this sweet girl behind - again. She has adapted so well to people and socializes perfectly with other dogs. She’s got lots of life and love to give, and I would love to be able to get her home and have her rescue me."
Meet Paris of Lebanon~
"We were moving our forklift to our airfield. Once we opened the gate, we heard whimpering coming from
the fence. Paris was all alone, and scared and came up to me instantly once she saw me. We
immediately brought her inside our compound and gave her some food and medicine. I ended up bathing
her to get rid of her fleas, we made her a dog house, and she officially lived with us from then on. All of
the soldiers in our compound were constantly giving her love and attention and that's when one of our
soldier's families found Paws Of War, and I began the process of bringing Paris home."
Meet Mina of Romania~
"She is so amazing and I wish to adopt her. We leave soon and need for her to be picked up immediately so she is safe. My family is so excited to meet her."
Meet Smoke of Romania~
"Smoke approached my wife at our brigades motor pool one morning before her certifications for her job
and stayed with her until she left. My wife called him her good luck dog and fell in love with him. Later he
did the same with me and stayed around for my entire certification. However, not knowing at the time
she thought he was an older dog only to find out he’s just a puppy. We then later agreed that we would
adopt him and bring him home with us. My wife and I wish to bring him home because every dog
deserves a chance to live a life where they are loved and treated well. He’s a beautiful dog and he
deserves a family."
Meet Chico of Kuwait~
"I am a Marine currently serving in Kuwait and Chico was deserted at the US Embassy. I grew very fond of him and wish for him to go to the USA to live with me."
Meet Rocco~
"I first saw Rocco sitting outside the DFAC eagerly awaiting any scraps from any passerby, as most of the pups around here do. He greeted me with an enthusiastic tail wag and lots of kisses. I didn’t have any food to offer, but gave him some good head scratches and rubbed his belly. As I walked away from the DFAC, he got up and followed. He’s rarely left my side since! Rocco waits for me at the DFAC in the morning, follows me to work or my barracks, and patiently waits outside until I come back out to love on him. I spend as much time with him as I can, often walking around post or sitting outside for hours with
him. Once he spots me, he’ll sprint over happily yipping and doing a full body tail wag, as I call it. He is the sweetest little soul with so much love to give. He’s going to be the best adventure buddy when I get
back home."
Meet Dixie of Romania~
"Her name is Dixie. I would always see her laying down outside of the PX and the MWR. She was very very sweet but very skittish. I would feed her any chance I got and she would just follow me around everywhere I went. She usually would only be by herself and not with any of the other dogs on base. When I saw her sleeping by herself on a very cold night I knew I had to bring her home and give her the best life possible. My wife and I already have 5 dogs at home who are all rescues so we are suckers for the ones who need a good home."
Meet Lexi of Lebanon~
"We were moving pallets with the forklift, we passed by the road and heard a whimper. We stopped and a
little puppy crawled out from the bushes. My battle buddy had grabbed her up and took her back with us,
later that night we heard puppies crying off in the distance. The guys were determined to find the rest of
them so the next morning we went out and found 5 more puppies trapped outside of the airfield fence
we were only able to corral one puppy in through the fence, Alexis, and the rest ran away. When we got
Alexis back she was covered in fleas, i gave Alexis her first warm bath and hand picked and combed off
all of the bugs in her fur. Alexis was very shy and skittish at first but i held her and pet her all day and all
evening until we fell asleep together right in the chair i was sitting in and that was all it took!"
Meet Churro of Lebanonr~
"Churro was born around December 2023 near our living quarters. I was on the fence about adopting her for a couple of months, but when I saw how sad she had gotten since her brother got adopted, I felt the need to take her home with me. She is a sweet, relaxed and loving dog that deserves to have a healthy long life in the States. I appreciate the organization for helping me bring Churro home."
Meet Essie of Romania~
"Essie was rescued by the State Department employees at MK. I am currently deployed in Romania and saw a picture of her and wanted to adopt her. Plus she is littermate to the puppy my brother rescued from MK. Vito also named Emory came to the USA a few months ago. Times has been hard while we have been deployed as our mother has breast cancer. I am hoping that Essie will help us all cope with this battle my mom is facing.
Essie was sick at first after her vaccinations but she is now doing good. She is a very unique looking pup and really deserves the best life a dog could have. I hope to give that to her when we get home."
Meet Pablo of Poland~
"My cat recently died back home of old age and when it happened I was really upset. I went outside and
cried and Pablo the homeless cat at Karliki came up to me. I’d seen her around and we’d pet her and give
her food when we could. But she came up to me and started crawling up my leg. When I picked her she
just payed in my arms. I sat down on some stairs to a tent and she just payed there in my arms comforting me. I felt like everything was going to be okay, and that she could feel how I felt and was trying to help me. She really did help me on one of my worst days."
Meet Bubba of Romania~
"These puppies were born into a situation that took a lot of strength for them to overcome. Their mother
is a wild dog in Romania and they were born under an abandoned vehicle out in the cold Romanian winter. I belong to the Mountains Humane Society in CA and am able to provide a life where this pup will be able to flourish and have a wonderful life. This pup will be well taken care of and will be able to thrive in the States."
Meet Moose of Romania~
"My rescue was born on Base from another stray. Some of the Airmen were able to rescue them and put all the work into setting them up to get adopted. As soon as I heard about the puppies, I got super excited. My wife and I have a 1 year old pup and really wanted to give him a friend! It was just great timing. We treat our pup as if he was our baby and can’t wait to do the same with this little one as well. He would be a great addition to our little family!"
Meet Luna of Romania~
"We have set up a rescue plan to save puppies from the air base where we are deployed. The puppies
were separated from their mother at a young age and we were all worried about their survival. Another airman is adopting the momma and daddy of the litter and many of us have stepped up to adopt the puppies."
Meet Saint of Romania~
"One of the stray dogs on base had given birth to 8 puppies and is being forced with separation from the
puppies. Two sergeants on Camp Turzii are reaching out to all members on base to help rescue these
puppies and I’m going to be helping by adopt one of them."
Meet Maple of Romania~
"Bruce and Oreo are two stray dogs that call the base home. Oreo looked very plump for months and all of a sudden she was skinny. Lo and behold 8 puppies were born on base. I've always liked the idea of coming home with a dog from another country/from a deployment. It's a big commitment but they will have much better lives at home then here."
Meet Smokey of Romania~
"I have currently been stationed in Romania for two years. Every year this group of dogs have protected us from outside threats, whether human or animal. They have each impacted our lives here and have become our family, while many of us are without them. We fell upon unfortunate circumstances where
our Romanian counterparts threatened to remove this pack of dogs into areas where they planned to kill them off. Immediately a friend and myself took action against that plan in hopes of saving the lives of these dogs that were our family. They had just recently birthed a litter of 8 puppies who would’ve been left for dead and separated from their parents. So a handful of us came together to seek help in adopting the Romanian 8 and their parents. Because in a world of no control over every outcome, we prayed that this outcome could be in our favor to control."
These puppies were found by soldiers on base when the puppies were 3 weeks old. The momma disappeared and they don't know what happened to her. Our friends in Romania picked the puppies up and have been bottle feeding them and caring for them. They are taking such good care of them. All 5 have soldiers and the families are so excited for them to get to the USA.
These puppies were all rescued in 2019 by some of our finest serving on foreign soil. All the puppies are now stateside and living the life a dog deserves.
The primary mission of Puppy Rescue Mission is to assist military men and women to bring home their companion animals they have bonded with while deployed on foreign soil.
Thank You Men and Women for your service to our country. It is because of your dedication that we live in The Land of the Free, Because of the Brave. Paw Salute!
All donations are Tax Deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please use your PayPal receipt as proof of donation. if you desire to have a year end receipt please send request to
Checks can be mailed to:
The Puppy Rescue Mission
PO Box 1516
Celina, Texas 75009
Please note animal on the check.
If you have trouble donating with Paypal please email us at
For all deployed military men and women that wish to rescue their battle buddy, please send an email to:
Please use the subject heading "Rescue Request"
All requests for rescues should go via this email address from your personal email if possible.
Thank You!
~Watching Miracles Happen~
The Puppy Rescue Mission, Inc
Non Profit 501(c)(3) Organization EIN#27-4295476
In the event that there are funds remaining from the donations for this animal and any of the animals, The Puppy Rescue Mission Board of Directors will use the excess funds where necessary.
Puppy Rescue Mission
PO Box 1516, Celina, TX 75009